Monday, November 18, 2013

what I've been looking for

Lately I haven't had much time to do any more photo sessions, but I have had time to research different photographers and photography styles. Throughout my research, the type of photography that has stuck out to me the most is fashion photography. I've been reading magazines such as Vogue and 17 for years and never really looked closely at the fashion pictures. Since I started researching and digging deeper into the world of photography, I've started looking at the fashion pictures in magazines a lot differently. I've started to examine the angles, different styles, and how the photographer achieved the vibe they wanted the picture to give off. I'm think what interests me the most about fashion photography is the freedom you have. There is such a wide variety when it comes to the clothing, hair, makeup, environment, background, and so much more that comes along with fashion photography. Its a type of a photography that allows both the model and the photographer to express themselves. 

I was worried when I started this project that because the whole photography idea was so open ended that it wouldn't really have a structure. I feel that since i've found something specific to focus, i'll be able to gain more from this project. I'm very excited to start exploring the world of fashion photography and see where my newly found interest takes me. 

1 comment:

  1. Denise,

    I know we talked about switching topics today, and you still can, but as I read this post, I can't help but think that you have plenty to blog about and learn. You talk about research, including styles, angles, vibe, and more. Why not continue researching and share what you're learning. Explain some of these styles of photography and include photo examples to enhance your explanations. Look into some of the classes and training you'd like to try in the future. If you have time for more of your own shoots, great! If not, then your project will be more research based; no problem.

    You don't have to follow this path, but to me it seems easier than starting over. No matter what you decide, think it over and check in with me about your plan for moving forward.
